Monday, March 14, 2016

Game of Thrones cast calls for aid to Syrian refugees in #RealmToTheRescue campaign - Entertainment Weekly

Entertainment Weekly

Game of Thrones cast calls for aid to Syrian refugees in #RealmToTheRescue campaign
Entertainment Weekly
Westeros isn't the only place torn by seemingly endless war. In the real world, the conflict in Syria has forced millions out of their homes, and in an effort to help resettle and provide relief for refugees, Game of Thrones cast members and HBO have ...
'Game of Thrones' stars appeal for aid for Syrian refugeesUSA TODAY
'Game of Thrones' cast raises cash for refugeesWJXT Jacksonville
Game of Thrones cast back refugee campaignCNBC
Romper -Elite Daily (blog) -YouTube -International Rescue Committee
all 87 news articles »

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