Sunday, February 28, 2016

Germany 'threatens to close borders to refugees' to put pressure on its neighbours -

Germany 'threatens to close borders to refugees' to put pressure on its neighbours
Sources close to Thomas de Maiziere, the interior minister, told Welt am Sonntag that he had ordered officials to draw up plans to close the borders. “For de Maiziere, the time of waving the refugees through is over,” the sources said. Sigmar Gabriel ...
Merkel Insists Greece Needs Help to Avert `Chaos' Over RefugeesBloomberg
Brexit In or Out but refugees are 100000 reasons why the EU is brokenDaily Mail
Leaked plan shows Germany ready to shut border on refugees unless EU leaders agree on joint strategyNational Post
teleSUR English -The Guardian -GhanaWeb
all 208 news articles »

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