Thursday, December 31, 2015

Canada pushes year-end goal of 10000 Syrian refugees by two weeks - Toronto Star

Toronto Star

Canada pushes year-end goal of 10000 Syrian refugees by two weeks
Toronto Star
The Liberal government is to miss its already-revised goal of bringing 10,000 Syrian refugees to Canada by Jan. 1 — but will meet it by mid-January, the immigration minister confirmed Thursday morning. During the 2015 federal election campaign, the ...
Syrian refugees: Liberals say they are 2 weeks away from 10000 arrivals as
Liberals to miss 10000-refugee target by two weeksThe Globe and Mail
Syrian Refugees In Canada: McCallum Says 2 More Weeks To Reach 10000 TargetHuffington Post Canada
The Guardian -CTV News
all 125 news articles »

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